Steffi's Keynote Experiences are immersive sessions designed to guide you into states of pure aha-moments, courage, and profound belonging.

Whether creating stronger bonds amongst your event's participants or organization's teams, or increasing the courage and confidence: Steffi's keynote experiences promise an instant and long-lasting change for every participant.







While Steffi's keynote experiences are a life changing event, the Masterclasses go beyond the experience.

During the Masterclass you and your team learn concepts, apply new tools to your life, turn a struggle into an opportunity on the spot, and connect with people who are walking a similar path than you do.  

Whether it is about conscious communication to improve your organization's culture or personal relationship, or to increase courage and confidence for female leaders and entrepreneurs - Steffi's Masterclasses bring you great results with focus and fun.


Brands Steffi has recently worked with

"Steffi brings

a true secret weapon to supercharge any team or group of leaders that wants to increase their ability to collaborate and speed achieving their mission."


Founder & Creator of The Art of Human Connection

CEO & Head Coach of Rising Women Academy

Certified NCS Trainer by Dr Joe Dispenza

International Keynote-Experience Facilitator

Global Expert in Leading Human Connection

Thousands of Deep Connections Enabled

Hundreds of Women risen in Confidence

Steffi is considered one of the leading experts globally in creating and guiding transformational experiences through deep connection.

She works with the world’s top conferences, events and companies to create transformational keynote experiences and year-long programs that have been supported hundreds of leaders, entrepreneurs and heart-centered people who want to make an impact all over the world.

She is the founder and creator of “The Art of Human Connection”, which has often been referred to as “I have never experienced anything like that”, “Life changing and giving”, and “We need more of this.”

Steffi has been honored to be a keynote facilitator alongside some of the world’s top visionaries and thought leaders including Vitalik Buterin, Steven Kotler, Emily Fletcher and more.

Steffi is an award-winning facilitator of Community and Transformation globally. She has received awards from industry leading Vishen Lakhani (Mindvalley), and is a GO-TO facilitator for culture, belonging, female rising and happiness.

"Steffi's Experience was a highlight of my conference. We need more of this in our personal and work spaces. What Steffi offers is critical for our humanity."

Andy Russel

"From the first moment you meet Steffi you can feel the power and experience she has in facilitating human connection. After only one Art of Human Connection session, I experienced a deep connection and safety it had fostered within our group, which manifested in some of the most open and vulnerable conversations I have ever witnessed."

Michael Geer